Massage Therapy & Acupuncture
Feel The Difference
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a safe and effective form of alternative medicine in which extremely thin sterile needles are inserted into the skin and left for a duration of time. This ancient practice is around 3000 years old. It has a direct effect on the nervous system, circulatory system, immune system, endocrine system and digestive system. Strategic points are chosen together to carry out a specific therapeutic action in relation to the patient's condition. These needles are used to stimulate the central nervous system creating the release of endorphins and natural pain relieving neurohormones. Qi which is energy that is continuously circulating throughout our bodies is what these needle have a direct impact upon. There are around 2000 acupuncture points located on the body and are twelve regular meridians and eight extraordinary meridians and all of these channels have different points that have specific actions that directly affect our Qi. These meridians are intricate networks of pathways that stretch all over our entire body. When there is a disruption or blockage of our Qi, our bodies become negatively affected. Acupuncture is known for treating the symptoms of a condition as well as addressing the root of the problem with the goal being to reach homeostasis in the body or a balance between yin and yang and to allow a free flow of Qi in the body. Acupuncture is not a painful therapy because the needles are so fine.
What Are The Therapeutic Benefits Of Acupuncture?
Stress reduction
Improve sleep
Overall sense of wellbeing
Musculoskeletal pain
Aid in reducing arthritic pain
Improves posture
Blood circulation and Qi circulation
Relieve muscle tension and spasm
Aid in muscle recovery
Enhance athletic performance
Reduce inflammation
Boost the immune system
Lower blood pressure
Increase range of motion
Increase flexibility
Improve healing times
Reduce stiffness
Improve digestion
Balance of yin and yang/achieve homeostasis within the body
What Conditions Can Acupuncture Help With Or Treat?
Chronic pain
Pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, hot flashes, labor induction (past due)
Carpal tunnel
Sports related injuries
Tendinitis or repetitive strain injuries
Post surgical rehabilitation
Osteoarthritis (OA)
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Multiple Sclerosis
Scoliosis and kyphosis
Headache or Migraine
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Parkinson's disease
Temperolomandibular disorders (TMJ)
Digestive disorders (nausea, hiccup, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, bloating etc)
Hot flashes
Infertility in women and men or fertility assistance
Menstrual problems
The common cold
Acute sinusitis
Asthma Bronchitis
Bell's palsy
Trigeminal neuralgia
Paralysis following a stroke
Sciatica Frozen shoulder
Sexual dysfunction (low libido, erectile dysfunction)
Blood pressure problems (high or low)
Weight control
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
Improves ADHD
Stress management
What To Expect
Please eat prior to coming for your treatment. During your first visit the acupuncturist will assess your overall health and ask you questions which will help them to formulate a proper treatment plan based on your needs since each treatment is unique to the individual. These questions are including but not limited to current and previous health, sleep habits, digestion, diet, energy levels, menstrual cycles, any previous treatments. You will also be assessed by checking your tongue and taking your pulses all which have a influence on your body's energy and will aid in point selection for your treatment.
To access certain points located on the body the acupuncturist may have you dress down or be covered under a blanket to reach the points needed for the treatment. You may also feel the practitioner locate certain point on your body by palpation. You will feel the acupuncturist swab the points being needled with an alcohol swab to ensure a clean needling surface. At this point the practitioner will be ready to insert the acupuncture needles and will be left for 15-30 minutes. During this time the acupuncturist will check in on you throughout. After the treatment there may be additional recommendations as well as a certain number of treatments recommended (usually somewhere from 4-8).